
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Dealing with bad breath through natural mouthwash

Method 2: Mix a half teaspoon of cinnamon powder, freshly squeezed juice of one lemon and one and half teaspoon of honey with a cup of warm water. Shake them well in a bottle with tight lid.  Use this as a regular mouthwash to fight bad breath.

11).  Apple Cider Vinegar

It is well known for its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties which reduces the growth of bacteria in the mouth and also helps to remove the plaque which causes bad breath.  The following options can be used as a method:

Method 1: Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass of water and drink the solution before the meals. This has to be followed regularly to get rid of bad breath and improved digestion.

Method 2: To get relief from bad odor, gargle using diluted apple cider vinegar after meals.

12).  Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil fights effectively against bacteria and fungi that grow inside the mouth which causes bad breath.  Select best option provided below that fits you:

Method 1:  Mix equal parts of tea tree oil, peppermint oil and lemon oil in a glass of water and use this as a regular mouthwash to get rid of bad breath.

Method 2: Brush teeth using regular toothpaste and rinse the mouth with a few drops of tea tree oil after washing the mouth.

13. Parsley

The sulfur producing bacteria is the main cause of bad breath and parsley is an effective natural remedy to get rid of the bacteria in the mouth. Chewing parsley stimulates the flow of saliva which lessens bacterial growth chances.  Use the following options as a method:

Method 1: Dip a handful of fresh parsley leaves in vinegar and chew them for 1-2 minutes for immediate removal of bad breath. Regular chewing of parsley totally get rids of the problem.

Method 2:  Make a juice out of a handful of parsley leaf and a cup of water. Sip this juice any time desired for freshness breath. This juice helps avoidance of acidity and indigestion.

Method 3:  Boil 1 cup of chopped parsley in two cups of water and 3-5 whole cloves. Allow it to cool and use the strained solution as a gargle after the meals to remove bad breath.

14. Tea

Both black and green teas are excellent remedies against bad breath. The former both reduces plaque formation and kills the bacteria which cause bad breath. The antibacterial action of the latter makes it an excellent alternative against bad breath.

Method: Make a decoction of tea by dipping the tea bags in a cup of hot water the drink it several times a day for fresher breath.

15. Water 

This is an effortlessly available natural remedy on bad breath removal. Rinsing with water regularly removes the food particles and bacteria to keep breath fresher.

Method: Take small quantities of water into mouth and swish it for 20 seconds to remove any food particles. Regular rinsing of the mouth with water works like a mouth wash which keeps the mouth clean.[3]

What causes bad breath?

Bad breath is ordinarily caused by bacteria forming in the mouth, which also causes inflammation. Based on studies, 80% of the bad breaths are effects of oral factors like gum disease, unclean dentures, cavities, food particles trapped in tonsils and cracked fillings. Conditions like acid reflux respiratory tract infections , liver disease and diabetes can also be a factor on bad breath.

Constipation causes chances of bad breath. Regular bowl movements are a must as a remedy against bad breath. Prevent constipation by taking foods high in fiber and regular exercise.

Roughly 10% of bad breath cases are a symptom of chronic sinus or respiratory infection, reflux disease, liver and kidney disorder, cancer or diabetes, which release chemicals into the body that result in bad breath. Xerostomia (dry mouth caused by medication or mouth-breathing), also causes bad breath.   Once with any of these or if you have a suspicion, it’s best to see a doctor, but with common bad breath problems, most of the solutions provided herewith can be useful.

According to UK’s National Health Service, crash-dieting and fasting can cause bad breath as the body breaks down fat and releases ketones, which can be smelled.
Some foods can trigger bad breath like garlic, onions, curry, and fish. Acidic beverages like beer, wine, coffee and soda can also be a trigger. They all contain foul-odor-releasing compounds that get absorbed into one’s bloodstream. The odor is given off in one’s breath until all of the food is out of her/his body. Chocolate candy and sweets helps bacteria to reproduce in the mouth which leads to bad breath. Eggs, meat and fish may cause bad breath and hence are to be avoided. 

The most common reason that anyone suffers from halitosis is a dry mouth brought by not drinking enough water or one may have been sleeping or travelling which causes the body slow down in the production of saliva. A dry mouth leads to dead cells on one’s tongue, which bacteria break down - this process produces a foul odour which is commonly known as bad breath.[4]

Additional cautions/countermeasures

Think of the tongue as a dishevelled carpet and the mouth as a mobile chemistry lab. More than 600 types of bacteria are found in the average mouth and many of these bacteria get trapped under the surface of the tongue which cause bad breath.

Stay hydrated. A dry mouth is a breeding ground for offensive-smelling bacteria in the tongue.

Saliva has oxygen in it, which makes it a natural enemy for the foul-smelling bacteria.  They can't live in the presence of oxygen, so drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum produces saliva and naturally eliminates bad breath.

Chewing a sugar-free mint or gargling mouthwash are not bad ideas, but they're only temporary fixes,  which mask the smell but does not kill the bacteria that cause the odor.

Load up on berries, melons, oranges, and other foods high in Vitamin C as they help kill smelly bacteria naturally. 

Maintaining oral hygiene is the starting point on bad breath removal. Brush twice a day with toothpaste that doesn’t make the mouth dry. Flossing after every meal is also very helpful in keeping bad breath away.

Using mouthwash can temporarily solve the problem but not dependable for longer periods. Targeting the root of the problem is the best alternative. If bad breath remains even after having proper dental hygiene and using natural remedies, see a dentist to find out any of the underlying health conditions causing the problem. At least, visit a dentist after every six months.

Fresh fruits and vegetables cleanse digestive system and prevent bad breath.
Include low fat cheese in a diet plan as it helps to fight plaque and mouth odor.
Plenty of water intakes cleanse the system and reduces bad breath.

Apart from the above mentioned home remedies, brush teeth twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed to keep out the bacteria. It is also important to floss daily to avoid bad breath. Accumulation of food particles between the teeth and gum may cause bad breath.

Clean the tongue while brushing the teeth to prevent bad breath. Clean the dentures properly and remove it at night before going to sleep. Wear the dentures next day morning after cleaning it and the mouth. Chewing sugarless mints helps to reduce bad breath as it stimulates saliva production. Stress can cause dry mouth which results bad breath so avoid stress or engage in stress relief activities to avoid bad mouth odor.

Brush teeth after each meal especially with intense bad breath. Stop smoking and the use of any tobacco products for gum problems and bad breath prevention.

Eat at regular intervals to avoid acidity in the stomach, which may result in bad breath. Avoid sugary drinks and strong smelling food items to control bad breath.

Follow the instructions and practice the remedies regularly to get maximum effect. It is better to opt for natural remedies to get rid of bad breath than using chemical products. 

Breaking the bad news to someone who has bad breath

Most people can not smell their own breath so speak up once detecting a friend's bad breath. Telling a close colleague, friend girlfriend or boyfriend that his/her breath is offensive can be awkward for everybody involved, but it is the right thing to do.

It may embarrass them at first, but they will be happy in the process because they will now be conscious on what to eat, the significance of drinking more water and getting rid of these products that cause the problem.

There are two possible approaches: Sit down with your friend in a private setting and be straightforward. Start the conversation by telling them the belief that there is something they would want to know and that you are not sure if they are aware of the problem.

If the person is sensitive, be more cautious through carefully bringing up the issue by carrying mints with you. Take one yourself first and then offer one to your friend who has bad breath. If the individual rejects the offer, it is suitable to offer a nudge by simply saying, "I think you should."

First impressions, professional and personally, are long-lasting. So don't let bad breath shrinks image.



[1] Dr. Anthony Youn, CNN contributor, What to do about your bad breath, Updated 1440 GMT (2240 HKT) February 22, 2014,
[2] Tips to Cure Bad Breath,  Middle East Healthcare Company (MEAHCO), Saudi German Hospitals
How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally, By sharib 
[4]Mihir Patkar,  How To Defeat Bad Breath Once And For All,