Steve Harvey says, "I'd like to apologize wholeheartedly to Miss Colombia & Miss Philippines for my huge mistake.
I feel terrible," as he tweeted again after the initial tweet. The message was re-tweeted for over 70,000 times.
"I don't want to take away from this amazing night and pageant. As well as the wonderful contestants - they were all amazing,” Harvey says.
It was re-echoed more than 62,000 times and generated more than 17,000 comments from viewers across the world.
On Facebook there is a shout out criticizing that it was poorly handled. Both of these gorgeous ladies representing their respective countries deserve an apology because that was embarrassing for both of them, which pain ca be literally be felt by both of them according to the commenter .
It was the most annoying Miss Universe contest ever. The host was horrible and Miss Colombia should have won according to another spectator on social network, according to another spectator.
Pageant fans from the Philippines also began to express annoyance at the crowd-drawer occasion on Facebook, saying that Miss Philippines did not get her shining moment, which is embarrassing.
On the other hand, some Twitter users remained upset over the error, others began to tweet out messages of support telling not to feel awful, but rather show empathy verbalizing that "To err is human, to forgive is divine."

There’s only one message that the Miss Universe 2015 in Las Vegas is trying to convey for politics, science and technology, bilateral and multilateral relations among countries – HONESTY. Personally, I’m affirming the organizers of the pageant and Steve Harvey for the job well done through preserving its integrity and pride.
Miss Universe: Miss Colombia mistakenly crowned as winner,